



So your money truly makes a difference.

For you and the common good.

So your money truly makes a difference.

For you and the common good.


We all have the power
to shape society

Helmut, 75 years old, retired, with 5 grandchildren.

Thanks to sachwaerts, my wealth now and in the future contributes positively: for me, my grandchildren, the common good, and our planet.

Beate, 53 years old, self-employed, with 2 children.

"At sachwaerts, I know exactly who stands behind my investments, and I can be sure that my money has a positive impact."

"Fabian, 31 years old, single, employed."

"As a member of sachwaerts, I am building a secure, transparent wealth that lasts – despite all crises. Starting today – for tomorrow."

sachwaerts – Your will to shape will become real.

You want to contribute to an environmentally and socially just future and are looking for allies? Together with you, our vision becomes real – investment by investment. Our common-good projects tackle the climate crisis, housing shortages, poverty, and energy scarcity, while ensuring the long-term security of your wealth – absolutely.

Planning ahead

Predictable income today and in retirement.

Planning Construction

Precise planning and construction of solar roof installations to open-space parks.


Safety, returns combined with climate protection, and affordable housing.

Empower – unfold – realize creative power

“We all have the power to shape society. Let’s unite it and realize genuine common good! sachwaerts brings together the power of community: the reliable returns from long-standing investments secure existing investments and simultaneously finance new projects that realize our visions.”